MALLON:TAX | What we do
Chartered Accountants and Chartered Tax Advisers with over 35 years experience advising clients, Mallon:Tax is the business set up by Tim Mallon to advise clients right across the North East of England and beyond…
This is what we do to help our clients…

Corporate Tax Planning
Tax rates for companies may be lower now than for many years but entrepreneurs recognise that tax is a cost of doing business.
Consequently, many are keen to mitigate those costs wherever possible by sensible planning which aims to help businesses achieve their long-term commercial goals at a minimum tax cost.
From R&D tax relief to restructuring and share options schemes, Mallon:Tax has the experience to manage your company’s tax exposure.

Income tax planning
We have many years experience advising both owner-managers and the independently wealthy in managing their tax liabilities.
Whether it is extraction of profit from your company or investing to achieve tax breaks, Mallon:Tax has the experience to advise.

Capital Taxes
Long-term wealth can be seriously damaged by the incidence of capital taxes. In many cases, the transactions which lead to these liabilities are anticipated many months before they take place which gives us some time to plan.
If you want to ensure that more of your wealth stays in your family and less of it goes to HMRC, please give us a call.

Financial Statements
Every business needs to prepare accounts, to support a tax return or for shareholders.
But properly prepared accounts can do so much more. They can help to build the story of the business, be that to support borrowing requests or to support a particular tax treatment with HMRC.
Let Mallon:Tax use our experience to ensure your accounts are drafted with your requirements in mind.

Income tax returns
Reporting your income to HMRC is the last piece of the tax planning jigsaw. It’s the way in which any tax savings can be secured. With many years of experience, who better than Mallon:Tax to do the job?

The easiest way to create an unhappy workforce is to get the payroll wrong! Let Mallon:Tax take the burden.